Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Resource Log 31

This is the course management tool that I did Ch. 8 on. The two sites I looked at were Blackboard and Moodle. This site is free and offers the teacher a variety of tools to use to manage their classroom.

Reflection 17

7. What are your suggestions for improving the design of this course?

I would try to include some of the examples that we wrote about in Ch. 8 (blogs, electronic portfolios, course management tools, etc). I know we did many of them, but the more that you all can play around with and have students use the more likely that they will use them in the classroom. It might be chaotic, but try to incorporate as many as possible so students and teachers can become more familiar with them and be more apt to use them to make their own classrooms more constructive in nature.

Reflection 16

6. Please comment about building quizzes and answer keys, and on grading your peers. Did you learn or gain anything valuable from these experiences? Please explain.

I gained a little. I found it hard to grade other teachers, and also that some of the other teachers were very critical of others grading. The multiple choice/true false questions were okay, but the short answers did provide some input that I might be able to take back to the classroom. Overall I’d say that it was just okay taking and grading others quizzes.

Reflection 15

5. As a result of your experience in this class, are you more likely or less likely to assign collaborative wiki writing assignments in your teaching situation? Please explain the reasons you are more or less likely to do so.

I really want to assign collaborative wiki writing in my class, especially after taking this class. I do have some concern on doing it in a all boys high school, but I’ll take my chances and see what happens. I think that it is a great way for students to work together, especially since they can work together from remote locations.

Reflection 14

4. Please compare the experience of doing research and authoring a textbook for a class (like this one) versus the traditional way of reading and studying an assigned textbook for a class.

I think that I learned so much more after researching and authoring the wikibook that I would have just reading and studying for a class. I had to find the information and read over multiple sources for each chapter compared to skimming for answers in other classes. Plus I read over a condensed version of each groups sections which was a great way to get a lot of information in a short time.

Reflection 13

3. Please comment on your experience of others (e.g. WikiBook editors, external experts, other Internet surfers) observing and / or critiquing your writing in the WikiBook.

I never really had much critiquing on my wikibooks. I guess it was helpful to have an editor go over my work since she did find some errors, but that was only one time and no one else did any critiquing. I never edit my own work so having the editor was very beneficial.

Reflection 12

2. Please evaluate the emphasis on collaboration in writing the WikiBook Chapters.

Overall I thought that the collaboration on the wikibooks was good. It could be hard at times when one person did most of the work, but overall it was good to have multiple inputs on the same document. I did think that the author had the hardest job, and the quiz maker had the easiest.

Reflection 11

1. Please describe your overall experience in this course? Was the course effective in getting you to "learn about constructivism by doing and experiencing constructivist instructional methods?”

I thought that the course was decent, although I would have liked to have done more constructive learning. I thought that the sandboxes were a great way to share information, but I would have liked to have experimented with some of methods discussed in chapter 8. Overall I felt that I did learn a good deal about constructivism and we did a good amount of it online.