Sunday, January 25, 2009

Initial Discussion Questions

What is my reaction to the course overview?

My reaction to this course overview is a little mixed. I am very nervous about engaging in such a course in that I have never done any blogging or used the tools that we will be using in this course and I have never taken an online course which adds to my apprehension. On the other hand I am very excited about the potential that this course provides. I've been teaching for 5+ years and I'm always looking to improve on what I do in the classroom. I feel that this course will offer some valuable information to use in my classroom and I am very excited to learn some new programs and ideas.

How do I feel about a 100% constructivist and collaborative course like this?

Again, I have mixed feelings. It seems very overwhelming to be creating our own textbook, especially with such on open ended source of materials, but it is also exciting to be able to accomplish such a task. I like the fact that we are doing what we are learning, I think that it will help us to learn the material more that if we just learned about it. It will be new and hopefully exciting.

How do I feel about publishing my learning on wiki's and blogs?

Don't really know aobut this one. I think by blogging on certain ideas and reading other student's blogs I will open my mind a little more, but I'm always nervous about putting my ideas out there for others to see. Hopefully it will help me to expand on my ideas and learn a few things that I can utilize in my classroom.

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